A skin lesion is an abnormal lump, bump, ulcer, wound or hyper / hypo pigmented area on the skin. It is an area of the skin which has changed appearance; the change may affect a small spot or an entire area. Benign skin lesions are those lesions which are not malignant (cancerous). Common skin lesions include moles, warts, corns and actinic keratosis, among others. Designer Bodies is best Skin Lesion Treatment in Mumbai.
Most skin lesions are benign though some, such as actinic keratosis and certain moles, can be develop into a skin cancer or already are a skin cancer. In general, any skin lesion which changes its behaviour (becomes itchy, etc), size, shape or appearance should be investigated.
A Cyst is an enlarged, possibly infected sweat gland, sebaceous (Oil) gland or hair follicle in the skin. It occurs when the opening of its duct is blocked, either due to debris/dirt or thickened secretions. Sebaceous cysts can be left alone, but they grow slowly, over years, and may become cosmetically unacceptable or a physical discomfort. Often, they become infected and can lead to abscess formation. Removal is a simple procedure under Local Anaesthesia on an out-patient basis.
Lipomas are localized collections of fat under the skin. They may be solitary, or multiple, and may be isolated or a part of a systemic syndrome. There are different types of Lipomas, depending on the consistency of the tissues in the swelling. Solitary lipomas can grow to alarmingly large sizes, and though they are not dangerous, they may be removed by simple excision on an out-patient basis. Large solitary Lipomas, and even clusters of smaller lipomas may be reduced through tiny incisions (keyhole surgery) using Vaser Lipo.
These are little outgrowths of skin that bulge at the end. They often occur at areas of the body that rub together, and need not be removed unless they become painful, irritated, bleed or become physical impediments. They are also often removed for cosmetic purposes.
Moles are small pigmented marks on the skin, commonly called birthmarks or beauty spots. They can occur anywhere on the body, be flat or raised, smooth or rough, and some may contain hair. Most are dark brown or black, but some are flesh-coloured, red or yellow. They can change in appearance over time. Some can develop into cancer. Benign moles are generally small in size. A lot of moles appear in infancy or childhood, and grow in size proportionately to the child. Designer Bodies is best Skin Lesion Treatment in Mumbai.
Warts are benign skin growths caused by a viral infection referred to as human papilloma virus (HPV). They are notorious for recurring in adjacent areas, and being resistant to treatment.
Actinic keratosis occurs from too much sun exposure and damage, and appears as crusty bumps. It is usually seen in older patients, and on exposed areas. Actinic keratosis may be flesh-coloured, brown, pink or red. Affected areas may be inflamed, itch or bleed, and may progress into skin cancer.
A Scar is the residual sign of healing of a wound or incision. Any break in the skin in a child or adult leaves a mark in the form of a scar. However, poor healing may cause the scars to become prominent, unsightly or even disfiguring. Even a wound that heals has a minimal scar. Scars may be visible due to their size, shape or location; they may be elevated or depressed, and may differ in colour or texture from the normal surroundings.
Discoloration or surface irregularities and other scars can be cosmetically improved by surgery or other treatments. These types of scars do not impair function or cause physical discomfort and include acne scars as well as scars resulting from minor injury and surgical incisions.
Hypertrophic scars are thick clusters of scar tissue that develop directly at a wound site. They are often raised, red and/or uncomfortable and may become wider over time. They can be hyperpigmented (darker in colour) or hypopigmented (lighter in colour).
Keloids are larger than hypertrophic scars. They can be painful or itchy, and may also pucker. They extend beyond the edges of an original wound or incision. Keloids can occur anywhere on your body, but they develop more commonly where there is little underlying fatty tissue, such as on the face, neck, ears, chest or shoulders.
Contractures are scars that restrict movement due to skin and underlying tissue that pull together during healing. They can occur when there is a large amount of tissue loss, such as after a burn. Contractures also can form where a wound crosses a joint, restricting movement of the fingers, elbows, knees or neck.
The type of scar you have will determine the techniques used to improve the scar.
Scar revision surgery attempts to minimize a scar so that it is less conspicuous and blends in with the surrounding skin tone and texture.
Your treatment options vary from simple topical treatments (creams, etc), Minimally invasive procedures, and Surgical Revision with advanced techniques in wound closure.
Although scar revision can provide a more pleasing cosmetic result or improve a scar that has healed poorly, a scar cannot be completely erased.
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