Vaser Liposelection or Vaser Lipo is the latest technological development in fat reduction surgery. Vaser Liposelection uses state-of-the-art ultrasound technology designed to gently reshape your body. Innovative Vaser technology breaks up fat selectively, while preserving other structures like blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue, greatly reducing the complications associated with traditional liposuction, such as pain, bleeding,and irregular contours. Designer Bodies is Best Liposuction Surgery Clinics in Mumbai.

Vaser Lipo can be used for the removal of large amounts of fat as well as for “spot reduction” of troublesome areas, and is used for high- definition body sculpting such as creating a “six-pack” tummy.

VASER HI-DEF is an advanced body contouring technique. The results reveal a sculpted, well toned, natural musculature intended for men and women who seek greater muscular definition, but cannot work out more for fear of losing too much body fat and looking unhealthy. Designer Bodies is Best Liposuction Surgery Clinics in Mumbai.

Vaser Hi-Def is used to sculpt the abdomen, chest, breasts, the back and arms.

In Males Hi-Def is used to create a ‘six-pack’ look for the Rectus Abdominis, along with highlighting of the oblique muscles on the sides, and the Serratus muscles on the side of the chest. The Male chest can also be sculpted to bring out the definition of the pectoral muscles. The Back is done to make the Latissimus muscles stand out to form the ‘V’.

In women, Hi-Def is used to narrow the waist, create a ‘two-pack’ tummy look, and can be used to define the borders of the breasts. On the back it is used to create the sacral dimples and to highlight the paraspinal muscles and the midline groove. Vaser Hi-Def is extremely efficient in creating a thin, well-defined muscular look for the arms.

While the goal of a regular liposuction procedure is just to trim away fat to make a patient slimmer, Vaser Hi-Def requires a surgeon to go one step further by going into superficial areas not possible with traditional liposuction and sculpting the body in such a way never before achieved by conventional liposuction, using the state-of-the-art Vaser Ultrasound technology. Designer Bodies is Best Liposuction Surgery Clinics in Mumbai. .

Since high definition liposculpture is designed to be a sculpting procedure rather than a debulking technique, the appropriate candidate is one who has a good muscle tone without excessive amounts of fat or lax skin. Vaser Hi-Def is most effective for those who are physically fit, and want a more chiseled and sculpted look. Designer Bodies is Best Liposuction Surgery Clinics in Mumbai.

The most common areas in Males are the abdomen, where the six-pack (Rectus) and sides(Obliques) can be sculpted, the chest to enhance the pectoral and serratus muscles and the back to highlight the Latissimus muscle, or ‘wings’.

In women, Hi-Def is used to enhance the breasts without augmentation, to highlight the midline groove and the sacral dimples on the back, and to give the 2-pack look to the abdomen, besides narrowing and sculpting the waist. It is also very effective in sculpting the muscles of the arms, to increase the definition of the deltoid and triceps muscles. Designer Bodies is Best Liposuction Surgery Clinics in Mumbai.

VASER Hi-Def uses state-of-the-art ultrasound technology designed to gently reshape your body. What distinguishes the VASER Lipo procedure is its ability to differentiate targeted fat from other important tissues – such as nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue. Innovative VASER technology breaks up only fat while conserving these other important tissues, therefore allowing the surgeon to really sculpt your body and remove all unnecessary fat. The procedure involves precisely performed, deep and superficial liposelection around muscle groups, causing them to become more prominent. Designer Bodies is Best Liposuction Surgery Clinics in Mumbai.

Only a surgeon trained in Vaser Hi-Def Liposculpture should perform the procedure to minimize risks and give the best results.