Body Contouring

1. VASER Liposelection

It is the latest technological development in fat reduction surgery. The strategic removal of fat from different areas of the body using the Vaser system is known as Liposelection. The vaser is a medical device which liquefies fat in selected areas of the body through multiple tiny incisions strategically placed so as to be concealed by the undergarments. Vaser Liposelection uses state-of-the-art ultrasound technology designed to gently reshape your body. Innovative Vaser technology breaks up fat selectively, while preserving other structures like blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue, therefore reducing the pain, bleeding and irregular contouring that may occur with traditional liposuction.

Areas that can be treated by VASER Liposelection

  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs and Hips
  • Legs and Ankles
  • Arms
  • Axillary Fat Pads
  • Back
  • Flanks In Males
  • Breasts In Females
  • In Males
  • Face and Neck

2. Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

An abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is an operation to cut away loose skin and fat in your abdominal area and tighten up the muscles. Additionally, abdominal muscles that are stretched and weakened are tightened, giving the appearance of a firmer and flatter tummy. This procedure can dramatically reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen.

With age, previous pregnancy, genetics or weight loss, the skin around your abdomen becomes lax and may develop stretch marks. This lax skin will not respond to diet and exercise, although the underlying fat may reduce.

The aim of the tummy tuck is to flatten the profile of the abdomen (tummy). Typically, patients have already lost weight but are left with loose folds of skin in their abdomen that need corrective surgery.

The best candidates for plastic surgery tummy tuck are people who are in good physical shape but still have a paunch or loose abdominal skin that just won’t disappear despite dieting and exercise. Women with multiple pregnancies whose skin is stretched as well as patients who have lost a lot of weight and are suffering from a loss of elasticity in the abdomen area are good candidates for tummy tucks.

This procedure does not remove stretch marks above the level of the umbilicus. A tummy tuck operation is not a contraindication to future pregnancy, but the cosmetic result may reduce somewhat after a pregnancy or excess weight gain. It is possible to have another tummy tuck if this happens and the benefits as well as the risks and precautions are exactly the same as the first time.

Full Tummy Tuck
A full tummy tuck involves excision of the loose skin and fat below the level of the umbilicus, and repair of the abdominal muscles. Some amount of Vaser lipo may be done as well to enhance the contours of the waist. Surgery is done under general anesthesia and may take between two to four hours. If your tummy muscles are in good condition and do not need to be repaired, then recovery is short, and you can resume full activities much sooner.

Mini Tummy Tuck
A mini tummy tuck, or partial abdominoplasty is much less invasive than a full abdominoplasty and can be done as a day care surgery. A mini tummy tuck requires a smaller incision, and leaves the belly button intact. In some cases the mini tummy tuck is performed along with Vaser Lipo.

3. Thigh Lift

If you have experienced a loss of weight on the thigh, hip, or buttock areas and your skin is sagging and has a flabby and dimpled appearance, you may be a candidate for a thigh or buttock lift, especially if you are self-conscious about your lower body appearance.

A thigh lift or thighplasty can give you tighter, more attractive thighs and buttocks, with improved contours and decreased cellulite.

The thigh and buttock lift is performed under general anesthesia and you can usually go home the next day. Vaser Lipo of selected areas is also done at the same time, in order to give the optimal result.

Individual areas of the thighs can be addressed at a time, depending on your requirements and desires, such as the inner thighs, outer thighs or buttocks.

4. Arm Lift

When it comes to flabby arms, dieting and exercise may not improve them much. That’s because certain fatty areas are resistant due to genetic tendencies. Even if you do manage to rid yourself of excess fat in the arms, the problem of loose skin persists.

An upper arm lift can dramatically reshape your arm to bring it back in proportion to the rest of your body. If you have loose, hanging flesh mainly because of fat in your arms, then an upper arm lift could be the right thing for you.

The procedure is also known as brachioplasty, and is intended to tighten the hanging skin in the upper arms. Ideal patients should have healthy, elastic skin.

The surgery is typically done by a surgeon as an outpatient procedure that is done under local or general anesthesia. In order to remove the unwanted skin, an incision is made that runs from near the elbow into the armpit. The incision is placed in the most inconspicuous location (inner arm toward the back), but some scarring will always be visible.

Upper Arm Lift Procedure
The first step as in any plastic surgery procedure is to have realistic expectations. You can hope for an improvement of your current situation, not perfection. Most patients experience a boost in self-esteem and generally feel more confident in their daily activities. If your arms really bother you that much, then it’s definitely time to go ahead.

The surgery is an outpatient procedure requiring only local anesthesia but in some cases, general anesthesia may be required. The whole operation takes about an hour per arm. The surgeon makes incisions along the inner area of the upper arm. The shape of the incision is usually elliptical or triangular. The space contained between the incisions is exactly the amount of skin that will be removed. Removal of the skin allows for tighter skin and a more compact arm.

An upper arm lift is usually combined with Vaser Lipo in order to reduce the length of the scars. Once complete, the skin is sutured together to give you significantly thinner arms. The advent of advanced Liposuction techniques such as Vaser Lipo have dramatically reduced the need for classical arm lifts, and allows a less extensive Mini brachioplasty to be performed, with less visible scars.

5. Buttock & Calf Augmentation

When it comes to the lower body, dieting and exercise may not improve them much because certain fatty areas are resistant due to genetic tendencies. And in people who wish to increase the contours of their buttocks or calves, it is next to impossible to do so by mere exercise.

The objective of a buttock augmentation is to enhance the shape and volume of the buttocks to achieve a natural curve with a smooth transition to the waist and the hips. The reasons for desiring buttock augmentation are ageing and weight loss, with loss of the rounded contour of the buttocks.

There are two basic methods of buttock augmentation, with silicone implants or fat injection. Fat injection or Grafting is quite common and can be combined with Stem cells ( Cell-Assisted Lipotransfer, or CAL) to give a better result.

The decision for the shape and size of the implants is made depending on your desire and general body build.

In general, anyone in average physical condition or good health can be a candidate for buttock augmentation.

In the calf area, the goal of surgery is to obtain a curvature and volume resembling that obtained with physical exercise. It is indicated in patients who have deformities of the leg, due to diseases such as neurological diseases, poliomyelitis or injuries, and is also done for people who in spite of, proper training do not obtain desired muscular shape and volume. Both calf implants as well as Fat Grafting can be done to improve the shape of the calves.

6. After Massive Weight Loss

Body contouring after massive weight loss presents the patient and surgeon with a unique set of circumstances, and the patient cannot be treated as normally. Massive weight loss is presenting more often because of the advent of Bariatric surgery, and the increased awareness of health issues in the last few years.

After Massive weight loss, the patient usually has large amounts of redundant skin, creating folds along the abdomen, chest, arms and thighs. There are also physiological changes which occur due to the bariatric surgery, and the ability of the body to heal changes.

For these patients , there are numerous procedures, the common ones being the Belt Lipectomy or Circumferential Body Lift, which combines multiple procedures such as a Tummy tuck, Thigh and Buttock lift. Skin reducing surgery of the arms and chest/ breast are also often needed, and done at different stages.

Our Happy Clients!

Jancy. P
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Dear Dr. Ginwalla, My life completely changed after I got rid of this extra weight. I started looking at the world with much more confidence. Whenever I look at myself in the mirror and see this huge positive change on my appearance and my feelings, I feel grateful to your surgical team
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Dear Sir, I had lost my figure after my pregnancy, but after doing the Mummy Tuck, I look and feel even better than before. The scar is the same as my C- section, but the tummy skin is tight.
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Dear Dr. Ginwalla, My life completely changed after I got rid of this extra weight. I started looking at the world with much more confidence. Whenever I look at myself in the mirror and see this huge positive change on my appearance and my feelings, I feel grateful to your surgical team. Thanks.
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Dear Dr. Ginwalla,I want to thank you for the tummy tuck you’ve performed.. I am so confident and comfortable with myself. At first I had my doubts about this operation. You made me feel so comfortable that I was not afraid to go through with the operation. I am now able to wear low waisted jeans, something I would not have dreamed of doing after my pregnancy. Thank you so much.

Our Contact Details


Consultation Rooms: D.R.S. Medical Centre, Suite No. 98, 9th Floor, Lady Ratan Tata Institute, Indian Cancer Society Building,
M. Karve Road , Cooperage, Mumbai – 400021.

Timings: Monday – Friday: 2pm to 6 pm

Breach Candy Hospital, Warden Road, Mumbai

Timings: Tuesday – 7 pm to 8 pm only

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