If you have breasts that just don’t have the same kind of firmness and shape anymore, due to weight loss, pregnancy or age, don’t be upset. Breast lift surgery can ease your problems and restore your peace of mind..
Breast lift is a surgical procedure done to return the breasts to a more youthful and perky shape and position. Breast Lift is also known as mastopexy, and may be combined with other procedures on the breast such as breast augmentation (augmentation mastopexy) or breast reduction (reduction mastopexy).
The aim of mastopexy is to restore the proportion of the bust by increasing the elevation of the breasts, bringing the nipples to a higher position, and reducing the size of the areolae . It is also done to achieve symmetry when breasts are disproportionate in size and shape due to congenital defects or after surgery. Designer Bodies is Best Breast Reduction Surgeries in Mumbai..
The loss of a breast to cancer, trauma or disease is a very traumatic one. Besides the physical disfiguration there is a sense of psychological distress and trauma.
Breast reconstruction is surgery to reconstruct the breast tissue, addressing your physical and mental problems.
There are many different approaches that vary according to the type of mastectomy that was performed, and to the condition of the breast skin.
In some cases, reconstruction is achieved with an implant alone, in others using your own skin and tissues from near and distant areas. Designer Bodies is Best Breast Reduction Surgeries in Mumbai..
Another technique involves placement of a tissue expander below the chest muscle to create a ‘pocket’ to accommodate an implant later on.
Surgery to reconstruct the nipple and areola can also be performed.
The newly created breast cannot exactly match the other breast. But the results do provide a great improvement and considerable emotional and psychological benefits.
Inversion of the nipples is a relatively common condition, which may be embarrassing you if just one side is affected. This results in asymmetry since the inverted nipple does not respond to cold weather or stimulation. You may be self-conscious about this especially in beachwear or swim wear. It is also difficult to breast-feed with an inverted nipple.
The nipples are connected to the underlying breast tissue by means of tiny tubes called ducts. Nipple inversion occurs when these ducts are too short and pull the nipple inwards. It is important for the entire breast to be examined carefully for nipple inversion of recent onset may be a sign of an underlying cancer.
Correction of inverted nipples is usually done under local anaesthesia as a day care surgery. A small incision is made just below the nipple and the shortened ducts are divided. The nipple is pulled out and held in place with a dissolving suture which is placed under the skin. A small dressing is applied which is removed the following day.
There may be slight bruising or swelling and tenderness at the site of surgery, which resolves within a few days.
Patients can return to work within 2 – 3 days.
The complications that can occur are mild bleeding, blood clot formation and infection. There may be a loss of sensation in the nipple and breast-feeding may not be possible. Inversion of the nipple may also recur. Designer Bodies is Best Breast Reduction Surgeries in Mumbai..
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